2013–to now – Security Specialist & Developer: Cybertech s.r.l. (the cybersecurity experts of the Engineering Group), Rome (Italy)
at inPoste.it: management of activities for the security development of software in corrective and evolutionary maintenance of digital postal services pursuant to Regulation (EU) no. 910/2014 (eIDAS).
Support and coordination with the Digital Postal Officer in the activities for compliant verification of the software.
Technical management of pre-sales with B2B customers.
Management and coordination of software development with the project team for system integration and software with B2B customers.
Analysis and construction of the revamping of software architecture in Visual Studio .NET environment, Web API 2.0 and RESTful API in C# language.
Development and management of databases in SQL.
Management and delivery of change requests for B2B and B2C customers.
Management, analysis and resolution of stochastic and unmanaged errors with the release of bug-fix in the software.
Development Team Leader in the coordination of software development, also for Web Service and WCF in Visual Studio environment with language in C#.
Coordinator with the team of the source code programmers/developers allocated in Italy and abroad.
Management of versioning of application and development software.
Implementation of the “LINQ” and “Entity Framework” technologies for the management of transactions with the database in DB Microsoft SQL.
Queue management of the digital postal service with RabbitMQ.
Implementation of recursive activities of batch processes with programmed with the “Quartz” technology.
Consolidation and mail merge of massive shipping flows on Microsoft Word models with the Word.Interop library and its evolutions.
at Notartel: software engineering as Development Team Leader for ERP systems in Apache Kafka Confluent environments; .NET Core; Web API and SignalR on Oracle SQL and NoSQL DB.
at Notartel: software engineering as Developer for evolutionary and corrective maintenance in “Java Web Application” environment on Apache Tomcat and dynamic generation in JSP based on the client application via header parameters in the header in the HTTP protocol.
at Notartel: software engineering as Developer for programming the code in the “Java Web Servlet” environment on Apache Tomcat and document/files integration on AWS S3.
at Angelini: software engineering as Developer for programming the code in the “Web Application” environment on IBM WAS Gradle build also with Maven libraries.
at internal OmnitechIT: software engineering as Developer for programming the code of a “Mobile App” in the Visual Studio 2015 Ionic environment for iOS and Android devices.
Development Back-End with MEAN (Mongodb, Express.js, Angular and Node.js) stacks.
at UBI Banca : engineering of software as Developer for programming the code of a “Mobile App” in the Visual Studio 2013 Cordova environment Framework for iOS, Windows, Phone and Android devices.
at Notartel: software engineering as Developer for programming the code of a “Mobile App” in IBM Worklight environment in Javascript, HTML 5, CSS, Java and Objective-C language for iOS, Windows Phone and Android devices.
at internal OmnitechIT: security of software as System Specialist for the management of Digital Marketing for the “App Ville di Roma” application in collaboration with the “La Sapienza” University of Rome, with management of the corporate network on OS Unix and Microsoft Windows systems.
at GEDI Gruppo Editoriale Espresso: in staff at the Help Desk for activities of: troubleshooting; network monitoring with applications such as Nagios, OPS view and Zabbix. Management of access users in Sonicwall VPN. DNS Protheus management and network DB management.
–Business or sector: IT & CYBERSECURITY